Posts Tagged ‘specialty’
GIMA 2021: Supporting vulnerable children through Digital Inclusion
GIMA (The Intercity Games for the Environment) is a social and environmental project envisioned by farmer Flavia Lancha de Oliveira. WHAT IS GIMA? Since 2008, GIMA has taken place at Bom Jesus farm. The project was created to promote social responsibility and environmental awareness for young generations. Once a year, around 1,000 5th grade children…
Read MoreOur featured farmer this month: Ismael Andrade
Learn more on Ismael Andrade microlot. He is a passionate (and somewhat famous) coffee producer who is considered by some as the founding father of specialty coffee. He is always looking for different approaches and procedures as he maintains a strong focus on Quality vs Higher Productivity. Farm: Sao Silvestre Certification: UTZ & BSCA Region: …
Read MoreMinas Hill Specialises in Microlot Coffees
…ethically sourced Specialty Microlot Coffees Coffee has gained cultural and social momentum in Australia in a very short time. The term Bean to Cup was first used in 1974 in an issue of the ‘Tea and Coffee Trade Journal’ in response to a demand for exceptional-quality coffee produced in special micro-climates. These days, all good…
Read MoreIntroducing our featured farmer this month: Ana Luisa Pimenta
Coffee Grower, Businesswoman FARM: Santana REGION: Cassia STATE: Minas Gerais Congratulations to Ana Luisa Pimenta! Champion in the ‘Cerejas do Café’ contest in 2020 (Natural Category). This contest is organised by AMSC (Alta Mogiana Specialty Coffee). The winning coffee: The micro-lot Ana presented in this contest was a ‘first crop’ Yellow Catuai 2SL, Natural.…
Read MoreFarmer of the Month: Renato Rodrigues
FARMER: Renato Rodrigues FARM: Vista Alegre REGION: Piatã, Chapada Diamantina STATE: Bahia BACKGROUND: Renato Rodrigues is highly regarded amongst Brazil’s coffee growers. Renato achieved 5th place in Brazil’s 2020 Cup of Excellence competition, which has the purpose of promoting traceability, direct trade and rewarding quality coffee in Brazil. This was not Renato’s first award however,…
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