Specialty Coffee in Brazil

Let’s start talking about the beginning of Specialty Coffees in Brazil. The year was 1991 and a group of visionary farmers understood that the quality they and other farmers were naturally producing was far above the average of other farmers in general. This led to the creation of BSCA – Brazil Specialty Coffee Association. A decade later, BSCA looked for a partner and a representative in Australia and found a company with the values needed to showcase the wonderful coffees Brazil was capable of producing. It was only enough that the coffee roasters had access and knowledge: they found Minas Hill Coffee, an Australian company founded by a Brazilian. Marcelo Brussi is the grandson of an Italian immigrant who was born on a coffee farm and has worked in the selection and classification of coffee his whole life. Since then, Minas Hill Coffee has led the representation of BSCA member farmers, presenting the Australian market with the best in specialty coffees.
We are all living in an unprecedented moment in recent human history. Millions of companies face an uncertain future and people are experiencing a moment of uncertainty and fear. Virtually all industries are in a way, affected by a crisis and millions of people are losing their jobs. In Brazil, the coffee industry employs around 2 million workers and thousands more indirectly. They work on about 85,000 rural properties, of varying sizes. Unfortunately, the smallest producers will be the most affected, as they do not have bank financing, they already live in a situation of vulnerability and work is the only option.

Along with the problem of small producers, today we see a trend in the consumption of cheap, inferior coffee. However, as shown by many market researches, when the quality of the offered product falls, consumers distance themselves from the brand, making consumers look for other brands. Special coffee is intricately related to small producers, as they know that only quality can make them different from other producers. That is why the majority of microlots come from small producers. The same rule applies to roasters. Quality is what sets them apart from other roasters.
Therefore, for the survival of small producers and the success of roasters, quality is paramount. Understanding this, Minas Hill has a line of specials and microlots that will help roasters go through this rise with confidence and responsibility. We will not turn our backs on small producers. Let’s show how grateful we are for the incredible coffees they produce, remembering that quality brings prosperity.
Learn more about our APAS microlots: