Our featured farmer this month: Ismael Andrade

Learn more on Ismael Andrade microlot. He is a passionate (and somewhat famous) coffee producer who is considered by some as the founding father of specialty coffee. He is always looking for different approaches and procedures as he maintains a strong focus on Quality vs Higher Productivity.
Farm: Sao Silvestre
Certification: UTZ & BSCA
Region: High Cerrado
State: Minas Gerais
Country: Brazil
Ismael believes there is a challenge in bringing coffees to the specialty coffee market, however, people are now beginning to understand that in producing exceptional micro-lots, there is philosophy, knowledge and hard work involved.
This crop we are proud to have received 3 of Ismael’s latest experiments, using state of the art equipment to always exceed in quality and raise the bar. We currently have in stock:
PMH011: Yellow Icatu, Natural Process (Cryo Fermentation). This coffee has aroma of yellow fruits, a creamy body and citrys acidity. Notes of toffee, citrus and yellow fruits with a pleasnt and consistent aftertaste.
To produce this microlot, coffee cherries were harvested using a high technology machine. They were then separated using an electronic selection machine to make sure only ripe cherries remain. Next stage was to place ripe cherries in a low temperature and controlled environment. Coffee was then put on raised beds to slowly dry.
Full description HERE

PMH079: Yellow Catuai, Natural Process (Aerobic Fermentation). This coffee has aroma of red fruits and honey, a dense body and citrus acidity. Notes of plum, blackberries and raspberries with a soft and creamy aftertaste.
To produce this microlot, coffee cherries were harvested using a high technology machine. They were then separated using an electronic selection machine to make sure only ripe cherries remain. Next stage was to let is ferment inside open air tanks and finally coffee was put on raised beds to slowly dry.
Full description HERE

Fermentation process explained Click HERE
With a family history in coffee production dating back to 1901, Ismael has continued the coffee-farming tradition. Initially, production was on a very small scale, but later evolved when the government incentives of the 1970’s saw new technology introduced. Sao Bento farm is located in an area (altitude 1100-1200m) which provides ideal conditions for growing coffee, due to its perfect balance of wet and dry seasons. Ismael produces his outstanding micro-lots, from quality, sustainable beans, using eco-friendly processes. He is also a founding member of the BSCA (Brazil Specialty Coffee Association), supporting other small coffee farmers in the region.
It should come at not surprise then, that Ismael was the winner of the Cup of Excellence (COE) Champion 2018. An esteemed global competition for coffee growers, each year the COE commends hundreds of farmers who submit their best coffees for assessment. The coffee with the highest score out of 100 is announced in front of hundreds at an awards ceremony. Ismael’s (COE) winning coffee scored 93.26 at the competition from the jury of international judges. Another of his lots won best coffee from the Cerrado Region of Brazil, a protected designation of origin. Minas Hill acknowledges the efforts of Ismael and his achievement in winning this prestigious award.
Read more about Ismael Andrade CoE Winner at MICE 2019
Ismael should also be proud of his fund-raising efforts; assisting to raise sponsors for the local hospital, in order to provide new medical equipment and other necessary resources.
Ismael Andrade has a long-term partnership with MinasHill